Birthing from Within Childbirth Education

taught by Christine D’Esposito

  • Positions and Touch for Labor and Birth

    2-Hour introduction Class

    Price: FREE

    Next class date: Sun,ay

    May 26th 12 pm - 2 pm

    This special two-hour class is tailored for pregnant individuals and their birth partners or companions. You'll receive focused instruction on various positions and touch techniques specifically designed for labor and birth. Our certified birth and postpartum doula and childbirth educator, Christine, will share valuable hands-on support methods and effective coping strategies for labor. This class is offered at no cost, making it accessible to all who seek to enhance their birthing experience.

  • Exploring the Birth Experience

    5-Week Series of Classes

    Cost: $375

    June 25th - July 23rd Tuesdays 5:30pm - 8pm

    Nov 26th - Dec 17th Tuesdays 5:30pm - 8pm

    Our comprehensive 5-week series is designed to provide, with a holistic exploration of the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of labor, birth, and the postpartum period.

    Under Christine's expert guidance, you will delve into various topics, including the stages of labor, the role of hormones and birth physiology, coping practices, labor and birth positions, hands-on support, partner support, interventions, strategies for dealing with unexpected surprises, and how to navigate decision-making during labor.

    The instructor highly recommends taking this course at the end of your second trimester or at any time during your third trimester.